Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Access to Close the Registry Editor

Security is an important factor in the success of the course of a system. If security is disturbed then troubled system running.Therefore security is very necessary to be noticed.

Some time ago I once read an article about modifying some existing value in the registry so that regedit does not show up either via run in start menu and regedit in the Windows folder. It is the recommended way is quite complicated and confusing to the layman. Because the user is required to make a backup so that regedit is accessible again. What if there are computer users who forgot to put the backup file. It must be very inconvenient to find. Finally I was interested in creating a very simple program and hopefully a lot of understandable by a layman. Not only is understandable by lay people but also is easy and safe. Script the following program is a program created by using Visual Basic Script utility is to disable or enable the regedit. The main objective of this program is making to secure the regedit from the hands of a prankster trying to undermine the operating system.
Trick Closes Access to the Registry Editor

Type the following program script using Notepad and then save it as regedit.vbs and do not forget to change the Save as type formerly of Text Documents (*. txt) to All Files. Do not forget to turn off Word Wrap in Notepad at the time of typing the script program.

dim fajar
sub entry()
set fajar = wscript.CreateObject("")
information = "Option:" & vbcrlf &_
"[0].Aktif Regedit." & vbcrlf &_
"[1].Nonaktif Regedit." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf &_
"[create : Edit Registry]"

ask = inputbox(Informtion,"Edit Regedit",0)
fajar.RegWrite"HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" &_
if ask=1 then
msgbox "Registry enabled",vbInformation,"Edit Regedit"
if ask=0 then
msgbox "Registry enabled",vbInformation,"Edit Regedit"
catur.RegDelete"HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" &_
msgbox "enter a number 0 or 1!",vbInformation,"Edit Regedit"
end if
end if
end sub

After typing the script program may open Windows Explorer and locate the file named regedit.vbs. Double click on the file icon to run it. It will open a window where you can give a value of 0 or 1 to enable regedit to disable regedit.

Now you can disable or enable regedit whenever your heart's content without the need to feel anxious or afraid. Above program has been tested on several platforms including operating systems from Microsoft is Windows 98, Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2. Not easy enough for beginners. so no one if his comrades tried this trick .... so .. Good luck.

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