Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Tips to speed up internet connection

hello friends. this time I will explain how to make fast internet connection.let's check
1. By default, Windows stores / limit of 20% bandwidth.
Bandwidth is used for "just in case" and also to check the computer from the Microsoft website. our task is to take it back!

The trick is this: Click Start -> Run-> type gpedit.msc This is to open the group policy editor. If it appears windowsnya, go to: Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration-> Administrative Templates -> Network -> QOS Packet Scheduler-> Limit Reservable Bandwidth Double click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth. There is shown that this string has not been set (not configured), the Explain tab there is an explanation: "By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a connection, but you can use this setting to override the default. "Nah, this is a way to disable in order to be ZERO.
2. Make Internet Explorer (IE) as fast as Firefox
Kata orang IE memang browser yang paling payah, lelet, dan tidak stabil. Tapi ternyata ada trik untuk sedikit men-tune-up IE anda hingga kecepatannya bisa setara dengan Firefox. Caranya :
Many people who say that IE is the browser of the most terrible, slow, and unstable. But apparently there is a trick for a little tune-ups to your IE up to speed can be equivalent to Firefox.

Here's how:

  1. Click start -> run 
  2. Type regedit -> enter 
  3. Find the folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ curre ntVersion \ InternetSettings 
  4. Right click on the right pane select -> New -> DWORD 
  5. Type MaxConnectionsPerServer -> give up agan value (the higher the value of the agan make, the better the speed, eg: 99)
  6.  Create a new DWORD string again in the same way-> type MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server 
  7. Then put a high value as above 
  8. restart IE ​​.. completed
3. Speed ​​up browsing with DNS cache
Open notepad and copy and paste the code below : Save with name dnscache.reg Double click this file in windows explorer, press "yes".

4. Copy Paste the code below into the notepad.
Save With name “quick.reg”REGEDIT4

5. For users of a LAN connection
Here's how to speed LAN connection:
  1. open the registry editor (start -> run-> type regedit 
  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Curr entVersion \ Explorer \ RemoteComputer \ NameSpace and DELETE key {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF) 
  3. Close the registry editor and restart Windows.

6. For users of Internet connection with Broadband / DSL
Try the following trick Open the registry editor and go to: HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesT cpipParameters Create a new DWORD string, by clicking the 'Edit-> New -> DWORD Value' and make the names of the following values​​:Close registry dan restart computer.

okay. . . while sufficient for this time. if still slow, you may have to switch providers. . hehehehe

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