Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Tim Berners Lee


Tim Berners Lee is a computer scientist who discovered and developed a virtual global network or the WWW in the world of Information Technology. If the internet is a highway where the traffic flow data, the WWW is a browser. now, the browser used is Internet exploler, Netscape, Mozilla, and Google Crome. Berners Lee also wrote the software that describes the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), and Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

Access to Close the Registry Editor

Security is an important factor in the success of the course of a system. If security is disturbed then troubled system running.Therefore security is very necessary to be noticed.

Some time ago I once read an article about modifying some existing value in the registry so that regedit does not show up either via run in start menu and regedit in the Windows folder. It is the recommended way is quite complicated and confusing to the layman. Because the user is required to make a backup so that regedit is accessible again. What if there are computer users who forgot to put the backup file. It must be very inconvenient to find. Finally I was interested in creating a very simple program and hopefully a lot of understandable by a layman. Not only is understandable by lay people but also is easy and safe. Script the following program is a program created by using Visual Basic Script utility is to disable or enable the regedit. The main objective of this program is making to secure the regedit from the hands of a prankster trying to undermine the operating system.

Tips to speed up internet connection

hello friends. this time I will explain how to make fast internet connection.let's check
1. By default, Windows stores / limit of 20% bandwidth.
Bandwidth is used for "just in case" and also to check the computer from the Microsoft website. our task is to take it back!

The trick is this: Click Start -> Run-> type

History of The Internet

History of development of the Internet begins with the formation of the united states first computer network initiated by the institution named Advance Research Project Agency (ARPAnet), which at that time connect four computers each at Stanford Research Institute (SRI), University of California of Los Angeles on (UCLA), University of Birthday Charley Kline, and the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB). At that time bandwidth usage is only around 50 kbps which is owned by ATT (American Telephone and Telegraph). Then in 1983, with the invention of TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) internet start the technical term. Initially, the Internet is used only for academic and military interests in the U.S. own. But along time, began in the 1990s the Internet began in widespread use among the general public.

In 1995, the World Wide Web technology or commonly called the Web that serves to replace the FTP began to be known, namely the technology to perform the data exchange process. With this technology, the internet can provide information in the form of multimedia. Currently, the Internet can even be used via mobile phones and communication devices such as cell phone or PDA (personal digital assistant) using technology WAP (wireless application protocol).

According to the website www.internet, until mid-2005 Internet users reached 938,710,929 human souls, or about 14.6% of the total world population in that year. 
